What songs were popular when I was in high school?Or, why do algorithmic recommendations leave so much to be desired.Dec 5, 2022Dec 5, 2022
The Whopper IndexThe Big Mac Index was released in 1986 by The Economist, a newspaper, as an easy to approach explanation of the concept of purchasing power…Nov 28, 2022Nov 28, 2022
How much time do we waste waiting for websites to load?A few weeks ago, I came across a blog post claiming that websites today are no faster than they were more than 10 years ago. My first…Nov 21, 2022Nov 21, 2022
Are you being too picky choosing a partner? A data-driven approach.TLDR: Using Census data, I built an to see how many people match your demographic criteria in a metro area. Scroll down here to find the…Nov 14, 2022Nov 14, 2022
Inflation makes everything more expensive, right?If 2022 had a word, it would probably be inflation. So far, as of August 2022, inflation for the 12 months prior sat at 8.3% in the United…Nov 14, 2022Nov 14, 2022
What’s up with Airbnb cleaning fees?I’ve noticed many people complaining about Airbnb cleaning fees lately, especially on Twitter. Complaints of cleaning fees over $100 seem…Nov 7, 2022Nov 7, 2022
Create an auto-updating dataset on Kaggle with DeepnoteNever leave a dataset behind with always up-to-date datasets.Aug 29, 2022Aug 29, 2022
The Magic of Matplotlib StylesheetsLevel up your data visualizations with one line of code.Aug 11, 20221Aug 11, 20221
Published inTDS ArchiveMaking Economist Style Plots in MatplotlibIf you like data visualization, chances are you’ve see charts from The Economist. Let’s make their charts in Matplotlib!Jan 26, 20222Jan 26, 20222
Thanks for stopping by. About Me.Call it an about me, call it a portfolio. Either way, welcome.Dec 9, 2021Dec 9, 2021